
March 19, 2020

How to Manage Your Quarantined Dog

This is a tough time for all of us, dogs included. Dogs that are cooped up inside all day may begin to develop serious behavior issues if not recognized and corrected soon enough. Over the past two weeks, I have received an enormous amount of phone calls regarding a sudden…

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March 14, 2020

Putting Leash on Dog When They Resist

Here is a very simple and effective method of putting the leash on the dog when they resist. Chasing them is not very effective. Recall (come command) only works if they know the command. Here I am using food (one piece of kibble) to lure them over to me, and…

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March 11, 2020

Poodle and Owners Learn Loose Leash Walking

In this video I demonstrate to the Poodles owners how to properly walk their dog on a loose leash using an Easy Walk Harness. In the first part, with one owner, the dog was pulling a lot. In the second part, I am walking the dog and she’s not pulling…

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March 11, 2020

Spaulding Chilling Out

This is what happens with proper dog obedience training ...a well balanced, very social, relaxed dog. Spaulding is 12 years old and I’ve been training him since he was 4 months old. I can and do take him just about anywhere with me and he loves every second. Good boy…

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March 10, 2020

Can Dogs Get Coronavirus?

Dogs can contract certain types of coronaviruses, such as the canine respiratory coronavirus, but this specific coronavirus is believed not to be a threat to pets. This is coming directly from the AKC (American Kennel Club). I have included a link to the article and video What about me…

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Feb. 29, 2020

Rottie Puppy Loves Training

This is Appolo, a 1 year old Rottie, and he loves this training. Today he learned Sit, Down, Leave It, and a bunch of other things. Wait till the end, he loves to give a ton of affection. I love it too. #rottie #puppy #dogtraining Website Facebook: Instagram:…

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Jan. 23, 2020

Changing Dogs New Behavior Issues

I get people ask me on a daily basis to help them solve their dogs sudden behavior issues. Most of these dogs are adults, ranging from 2-8 years old and suddenly they develop some form of behavior issue such as chewing, biting, pulling on leash, and reacting to other dogs…

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Jan. 8, 2020

How to Control Dog Barking in House

This video addresses the issue of dog barking in the house. Most owners and guests do not like this behavior. I've included some tips on how to work on minimizing the barking while you are in the house. This video does not address the dog barking while you're not at…

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Jan. 8, 2020

Students Walking Dogs on Loose Leash

Here are a few clips of our students walking their dogs on a loose leash for the first time ever. This is 7 month old Maltese Poodle, Bella, is walking on a loose leash for the first time ever. We used a simple slip lead (the same type used for…

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Dec. 25, 2019

Amazing 12 Year Old Dog

This dog is amazing! He will be 12 years old in January. The video speaks for itself. #dog #dogtraining #dogtrainer Social Links: Website Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

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Dec. 22, 2019

Arriving Relaxed at the Dog Park

I have been bringing my 12 year old Spaulding to the dog park for over 11 years. I make sure he's always relaxed before entering the dog park. Here are a few tips to get your dog be calm before entering the park. You never want to bring your dog…

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Dec. 18, 2019

Spaulding Waiting in Down Stay

Some people think that dog training about teaching your dog to do tricks and cool stuff. In reality, dog training is about creating a relationship with you and your dog that enables you both to live a stress free and practical life together. Here is a perfect example of that.…

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Dec. 15, 2019

How to Communicate With a Dog That has Lost Hearing

About 6 months ago, I noticed that my dog Spaulding was quickly losing his hearing. Now, at almost 12 years old, he is about 90% deaf. It can be challenging to communicate with your dog when they can't hear, and we are used to using words for obedience. In reality,…

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Dec. 11, 2019

Using the Down Stay Command in Public

Using the Down Stay Command in public can help to make you and your dogs socialization time together more enjoyable. Dogs will naturally have more anxiety and chances to move towards anything that passes by when they are standing. By putting your dog in a down stay, they will have…

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Dec. 8, 2019

Car Ride With Your Dog

Some tips on taking your dog for a ride in the car. This is so important. I see so many dog owners allowing their dogs to act crazy in the car while jumping around all over the place and hanging their heads out window. Keep it safe. Social Links: Website…

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Dec. 3, 2019

Loose Leash Dog Walking

Here is some raw footage of me walking Spaulding, my 12 year old Lab Husky mix. Keep in mind that he's old, tired, and almost completely deaf in both ears. The takeaways here are: 1) The lease is loose, no pulling or tension 2) I am relaxed and focused on…

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Dec. 1, 2019

Welcome to Top Gun Dog Training in Huntsville, AL

Welcome to Top Gun Dog Training. My name is Dale and I will be your dog trainer. Be sure to check out our entire website at Social Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

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